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Relationships can be uncertain.









As inherently fragile entities, relationships can be filled with uncertainty. We invest our time, money, and most importantly, our emotions into it, but sometimes things just don't work out in the end. And when that happens, you end up with nothing but emotional trauma and distress.


​We understand that nothing can quite fill the void that's left whenever a break-up happens, but what if we can somehow reduce the negative effects of a bad break-up?



Hedge against a bad break-up with us.









Heart Cure is a novel concept that allows members to hedge against the emotional trauma and distress that happens post break-up.


Members (who are currently attached) simply pay a monthly subscription fee, and should the relationship dissolve, they get a specially crafted emotional package based on the duration of their subscription. The longer you're subscribed to our hedging service, the greater the emotional package you'll receive.

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